Sunday, September 25, 2011

Feathered Remains

Jurassic cousins,
etched in spirit

Cave-like dark, 

Begun in flight,
completed in vision

– B

The above piece is a small portion of a larger work. It was created from many photographs I have taken of birds in flight. The wings were isolated and grouped to form an entirely new feathered shape. Then I pushed it and pushed it, until it became a digitized representation of a fossilized cave wall. The marriage of ancient and modern calls me. The union of technology and primitive intrigue me.

The full piece will be available soon for viewing or purchase on my etsy site. I anticipate opening by mid-November and will post a link here.

– September 25th, BL Desrosiers

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pelicans Squared

Today I am playing with photos. I simply can't leave a photo alone, somehow I am compelled to mess with them and make them truly my own. It makes me happy, and right now I think happiness is much needed in life. Perhaps my messing with my photographs will somehow make you happy also.

stately white,
feathered flight,

fish-to-fill sac,
adorns outstretched neck.

pelicans squared.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tonight I am taking a stroll through patterns,
what a designer is Mother Nature.

The colors, the shapes, the designs,
small, large, in between;

it doesn't take long to find such beauty
in a semi-tropical paradise.

– B