Sunday, October 25, 2009

Shards Of My Soul

Drifting on waves of light,
Veined interlace of sin and love

Shattered to unnumbered shards
Grace carries me higher
I am gone

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

For those of you who may have noticed my infrequent appearances over the past three months or more, I thought I would give you a visual explanation of where I have been and what I have been up to. Most of the time I have been hunched over a sewing machine madly trying to complete these projects for our church's 50th anniversary. They are done! The big service and reception was on Saturday, the 3rd of October and I am now free!!!! Okay, not really, but it sure feels like it. My intention, and we all know where the good ones lead, is to concentrate on my artwork and photography now. I hope to see you on the web and, perhaps, converse with you when you wish to add comments or questions.

Above you will see the red set of paraments that a needle artist, Karen Smith, and I designed and executed together. She did the decending doves in Jacobean embroidery and then beaded them. In the close-ups you will see the smaller doves and flames that she embroidered also. The fabric in the patch work sections that looks like flames was designed by me, based on one of my digital paintings, and then printed at I did the final sewing, further hand beading, and construction of the entire set, which is completely lined.

Here you see the altar frontal along with the burse and veil. This has been quite the learning experience for me. I will be creating a blue set over the next year, but the timeline on that one will be less pressing, therefore, not quite as stressful a project, she says now under her breath.

These are the hangings from the lecturn, left, and the pulpit, right.

Below is the banner which hangs above the organ at the front of the sanctuary.

And, finally, you will find my husband modeling the chasuble and stole for you.

In addition to this project, I was also commissioned to design and execute a banner commemorating the golden anniversary of the church. It was based on the logo of the church which is a graphic of the H from Holy and the A from Apostles. I added a logo which I designed of a twelve pointed star to represent the 12 apostles. On the left side of the banner are 11 medallions which represent the 11 apostles shields that appear in our stained glass windows in the building. 11?, you ask -- they left Judas out and chose before Matthais. What can I say, that decision was made years ago.

Once I finished this banner, I turned my attention to the cakes for the reception. With the help from two women in the church we pulled this project off with no time to spare. We used two photos which I designed and had them printed on icing to top the cakes. There was enough cake there to feed almost 150 people. . . and it was really good, also. Thank you Kimberly, my daughter, who steered us in the right direction there.

There were several other projects during this time crunch also which involved photos, editing, and graphic design. I have never been quite so busy for such a prolonged period of time, and that includes art school. We are now finishing up our float project for the town's founders' day parade which will be in November. Photos to follow that event also.

Meanwhile I return now to the calm and sedate world of solitary art creation! . . . Oh, along with starting a photo business with a partner. I am grateful beyond words for my return to health and energy to be able to continue with this work. Stop by and visit once in a while. God willing, I will be posting with more regularity!

Blessings, Barbara