Tuesday, July 31, 2007


My heart is cooled by drops of emptiness.
–– Thich Nhat Hahn

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ode to My Children

Acutely aware of my presence,
she steers her babies away.

Here a season,
then gone.

Blackberry and chicken

A soul-full of memory.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Sweet Blossom

Sculptural velvet,
petaled light.

Soul sustaining,
gently incensed.

Sweet blossom
blesses the day.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Time On Her Hands

A tiny fragment,
where is it going?

She asserts herself.
I must listen, obedient companion.
There is a point when
the work takes over the worker.

She holds the power,
she has the time on her hands.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

10 minute play

Morning lent itself to quick work with my plumeria photo. I decided to allow myself 10 minutes to play with the image and see where it took me. It took me on a wild ride of color. The blending of borders reminded me of the illusion of borders that we all take so seriously, there are no borders in nature. I am pretty sure God has no borders either. I've always wondered where the ripples end when one casts the stone?


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Drink In Pink

Stop, drink in pink,

A riot of roseate petals
dances up the hillside,
the ground is littered with joy.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

wings of magic

Winged blessings on a clear mountain morning
Fearless accompaniment to an outdoor feast
Coffee with humming
Crepes with feathered visitors
Heaven must be so

Saturday, July 7, 2007

7/7/07 - It's a great day for a wedding. Today should challenge my artistic eye as I go to shoot my niece's wedding day. The setting is picture perfect, so it should be easy! Right.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Blue, blue, blue

Up and away into the wild blue yonder. We are flying today and the absolute absurdity of humans taking flight is overwhelming me. I have flown thousands of miles around this globe of ours and the concept still gets me as totally make believe. What ever does nature think of these strange creatures that keep defying her laws?

I am taking the mental image of the confident blue peacock with me. Off now into yet another space of this world.
