Monday, November 11, 2013

I've been spending a bit of time in the studio trying to let myself be less 'tight' in my work. I have a tendency to get into detail, all-consuming, uptight detail. I've found that a tacky shellac burn can help me break away from that along with further work with layers.

Sacred Geometry Dance, 2013

The jury is out on this process so far.

I love the process, not completely sure I'm ready to jump whole hog into this technique yet with my larger pieces.

Message from the Future, 2013

Fear is the only thing we have to fear.
Apparently my struggle is learning to let go of fear.

Peace, BLD
(These are iPhone photos, therefore not high quality - again with the letting go of tightness)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Yes, it's been months. I'm not too good at this blog thing, am I? Oh well, it is what it is and I am what I am.

I promised photos for those of you interested in my last large sewing project and here they are. I've been working on vestments for my husband's church. The all season green set is the first in line and was used today for the first time.

The image was created on the iPad, finalized in Photoshop, and printed on silk by (a site I highly recommend to my creative sewing friends)

I found the background green on an English site, the quality is amazing. The rest of the fabrics are dupoini silks and they just about glow.

My next challenge is an Advent set, by Advent. Okay, less than 4 weeks away. I'm not sure I can pull this one off, but I will give it my best try. I'm waiting for a fabric sample in the mail before I commit to design and am hoping to get that far by the end of this coming week.

There has been less studio time due to this project and also due to a short trip to Tennessee for our daughter's Halloween party. (Yes, there was a good bit of sewing involved there also!)

I close here and will continue this as the sets come through.


(I took this from the wrong side of the altar and didn't think about it being backwards until I got home and processed it. Oops)